Thursday, February 11, 2010

Neil Cross' literary top ten

Neil Cross' latest novel in the UK is Captured. A previous novel, Burial, releases in the US in March. From his literary top ten at Pulp.Net:
Book I Finished Reading but Wanted My Time Back Afterwards

No contest. American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis. Corrupted, self-important nonsense smothered in blubber. The skeleton of a fine novella — something with the potential length and stature of Heart of Darkness. As it is, American Psycho continues a steady cultural decline — from controversy, through the alternative canon, to kitsch. The only book in the history of publishing that might conceivably have been improved by a Reader’s Digest Condensed Edition.
Read about the other nine items on Cross' list.

American Psycho appears on Nick Brooks' top ten list of literary murderers and on Chris Power's list of his six top books on the 1980s.

Check out which fictional character who Cross says most resembles him.

--Marshal Zeringue