For the Observer, Lee named the ten best office dramas in print and on screen, including:
Then We Came to the EndRead about the other books, movies, and television shows on the list.
by Joshua Ferris (2007)
Ferris’s novel is a hilarious ode to ergonomic chairs, watercooler gossip and “the great unsung pastime of American corporate life, the wadded paper toss”. By telling the story in the first person plural, the author slyly asks whether modern corporate culture leaves any room for the individual: “We liked wasting time, but almost nothing was more annoying than having our wasted time wasted on something not worth wasting it on…” The collective narrator is withering: “A small, angry book about work... Now there was a fun read on the beach.”
Then We Came to the End is on Alice-Azania Jarvis's reading list on unemployment.
--Marshal Zeringue