Monday, November 8, 2021

Five books to help us battle fake news

Nina Jankowicz is an internationally-recognized expert on disinformation and democratization. Her debut book, How to Lose the Information War, was named a New Statesman 2020 book of the year; The New Yorker called it “a persuasive new book on disinformation as a geopolitical strategy.”

At Lit Hub she tagged "five books that will enhance and expand your understanding of the tools of disinformation, its adjacent harms, and the future of the threat in a way that the morning news can’t." One title on the list:
Nina Schick, Deep Fakes: The Coming Infocalypse

You’ve probably heard about deep fakes—manipulated images and video created through artificial intelligence—and how they are the next big disinformation threat. Nina Schick breaks down how these technologies can be used to affect political outcomes, threaten national security, and cause us to question everything we see. She also leaves us with hope and a plan for defending against deep fakes; we’ll surely need it soon.
Read about the other entries on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue