Thursday, August 31, 2023

Top 10 books about solitary living

Daniel Schreiber is the author of Susan Sontag, the first complete biography of the intellectual icon, as well as the highly praised and bestselling German-language literary essays Nüchtern and Zuhause. He lives in Berlin.

Schreiber's newest book is Alone: Reflections on Solitary Living.

At the Guardian he tagged ten top titles about solitary living, including:
The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff

Due out next month, this novel follows an unnamed girl who flees from a colonial settlement in 1600s Virginia to make her way through the forests and rivers of North America. Groff turns the ideological underpinnings of classic Robinsonades deftly on their head. During her fight for survival the girl comes to an understanding of the natural world and her life within it which is a rare testament to the spiritual upsides of loneliness that we can only experience when we are alone.
Read about the other entries on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue