Friday, May 10, 2024

Five top books about video games

Keith Stuart is a UK-based author and journalist; he writes about video games, technology and digital culture.

His books include A Boy Made of Blocks and The Frequency of Us.

Stuart's new novel is Love is a Curse.

At the Guardian he tagged five books from which "avid gamers and utter newcomers alike will learn much about video games and our modern digital world." One title on the list:
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

A surprise bestseller following its publication in 2022, Zevin’s beautiful and gripping novel follows a trio of young game designers fulfilling their dreams and falling apart in the process. Although there is plenty of accurate detail about making games, this is really a novel about love, care and inspiration, which just happens to take place in a development studio.
Read about the other entries on the list.

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is among Garnett Cohen's seven novels about characters shaped by their cravings.

--Marshal Zeringue