Sunday, June 16, 2024

Nine top books with nonhuman characters

Simon Van Booy has written more than a dozen works of fiction (including Night Came with Many Stars and The Presence of Absence) and is the editor of three volumes of philosophy. Raised in rural North Wales, Van Booy currently lives between London and New York, where he is a volunteer EMT for Central Park Medical Unit and RVAC. In early 2020, he rescued his first mouse.

His new novel is Sipsworth.

At Publishers Weekly Van Booy tagged
nine of my favorite books that feature animals as characters. The emotion between humans and animals in these titles feels so true that each book serves as a reminder for readers never to mistake a pigeon or a donkey or a mouse for just a pigeon, a donkey, or a mouse.
One title on the list:
Horse Crazy by Sarah Maslin Nir

This book is unique in how it weaves the author’s love of horses into a social history that is interesting, original, and at times moving—especially when the author writes about her father’s experience of surviving the Holocaust.
Read about the other entries on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue