His new book is Hollywood Left and Right: How Movie Stars Shaped American Politics.
At the Wall Street Journal, Ross named a list of the five best books about politics and the movie industry. One title on the list:
The People's MachineRead about the other books on the list.
by Joe Mathews (2006)
Arnold Schwarzenegger had a simple but profound insight before he ran for governor of California: Planning a campaign was like planning a movie—both needed a compelling storyline to succeed. Joe Mathews's engrossing bookexamines the process by which Schwarzenegger transformed himself from blockbuster action hero into the state's chief executive. We learn how the explosion of 24/7 entertainment media paved the way for a new era of celebrity politics—one in which a movie star could be elected to high office without the benefit of an established party network or a precise ideological message. By placing entertainment at the center of his campaign, Schwarzenegger discovered new ways of mobilizing voters tired of "politics as usual." His Hollywood-influenced campaign offers important insights into how politicians might reach the 50% of the eligible electorate who never vote in presidential contests, let alone gubernatorial or local races.
The Page 99 Test: Steven J. Ross's Hollywood Left and Right.
--Marshal Zeringue