[The Page 69 Test: The Girl at the Border; Writers Read: Leslie Archer (December 2018); My Book, The Movie: The Girl at the Border]
His new novel is Until We are Lost.
At CrimeReads, Archer tagged six novels he's "read and loved, that deal with what life is like for two sisters, in different countries, with different values, and even in different time periods. But one thing connects them all: they are presented to us in three thrilling dimensions with all their frailties, their unresolved desires, and their bitter-sweet experiences intact." One title on the list:
Cantoras by Carolina De RobertisRead about the other entries on the list.
So I’m going to stretch the guidelines of my remit for this column a bit for this sixth book. I do so because Cantoras is so extraordinary, so overlooked,so magnificent that it demanded inclusion here. The five queer women who inhabit this book, this world fully, live in the worst of times, mainly 1977 Uruguay, when a brutal military dictatorship is in power, having crushed the last remnants of dissent. These five brave and fierce women are thrust headlong into this nightmare scenario, not without frightening consequences for being young, unmarried, and worst of all in the eyes of both their parents and the junta, queer. And yet they persevere through every hardship, every diabolical situation, becoming not only sometimes lovers, but mostly fast friends, and then, family to each other. Sisters in every sense of the word. This is a novel not to be missed.
--Marshal Zeringue