Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Eight great titles about black boyhood

Hari Ziyad is a screenwriter, the bestselling author of Black Boy Out of Time and the Editor-in-Chief of RaceBaitr. They received their BFA from New York University, where they concentrated in Film and Television and Psychology.

At Lit Hub Ziyad tagged eight "texts by some of the most insightful thinkers today that inspired the term misafropedia—which [they] coined to name the specific oppression Black children experience—as [they] wrote to uncover how we Black adults who have lost our childhoods to the violence Black boys face might become whole with them once again." One title on the list:
George M. Johnson, All Boys Aren’t Blue (Farrar Straus Giroux)

In their groundbreaking young adult memoir, Johnson tackles the ways Blackness, gender, and social ties intersect to shape a person’s identity in terms that resonate specifically with Black youth. Through a moving exploration of their relationship with their family and fraternity as they come of age along a different path than many of their peers, Johnson challenges the singular narratives of Black boyhood and the binary thinking that shapes it.
Read about the other entries on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue