Rodale's new book is The Mad Girls of New York: A Nellie Bly Novel.
At Lit Hub the author tagged nine favorite books about boundary-breaking women of the Gilded Age, including:
Kim Todd, Sensational: The Hidden History of America’s Girl Stunt ReportersRead about the other entries on the list at Lit Hub.
This is a smart, effervescent book about Nellie Bly and the other stunt girl reporters who dominated the newspaper pages with all their daring undercover investigations to expose factory conditions, medical treatments, prisons and other aspects of working women’s lives. Todd examines the lives of these boundary-busting reporters and makes a compelling case for the significance of their work, which pioneered investigative reporting and put women on the front page of newspapers. This book, and these women, were indeed sensational.
The Page 99 Test: Sensational.
--Marshal Zeringue