Thursday, January 9, 2025

Nine sci-fi and fantasy novels involving tarot

At BookRiot Vanessa Diaz tagged nine top sci-fi and fantasy novels involving tarot. One title on the list:
Nova by Samuel R. Delany

Time magazine described Nova as reading “like Moby-Dick at a strobe-light show” and I don’t know if I can do any better! But since I must try, this space opera follows Captain Lorq Von Ray in his obsessive quest to harvest a “fabulously valuable” power source called Illyrion from the heart of an imploding star, all while locked in a deadly rivalry with a Prince Red of Draco, a rival political unit. Tarot is a major part of this galactic society, with readings being used to plot courses through space, and each major character is also associated with a specific card.
Read about the other entries on the list.

Nova is among Electra Pritchett's five top speculative fiction books featuring tarot.

--Marshal Zeringue