Francis-Sharma's new novel is Casualties of Truth.
At Lit Hub she tagged ten books that offer a broad "glimpse into what makes this fascinating country [South Africa] so unique and so complex." One title on the list:
Deon Meyer, The Dark FloodRead about the other titles on the list at Lit Hub.
Dark Flood by Deon Meyer is a continuation of a series of books that tell the story of police officer Benny I was gifted my first Deon Meyer novel by a friend while visiting Johannesburg. He told me Iwas his favorite author “followed closely by Deon Meyer.”
My friend laughed because we both knew the secret truth! Deon Meyer, “gets it right” he told me. Meyer writes of Cape Town with the specificity of someone who has been to every crack and crevice. The descriptions are vivid and the cast of characters, the bad guys and the good guys, of different races and tribes, have the perfect dialectical precision.
It’s a crime novel, so there are guns and chases, but Griessel is a well-developed character with tremendous flaws who somehow happens to always be in the right and in the wrong. Meyer’s books are entertaining and there’s always something new to learn about South Africa in them.
--Marshal Zeringue