Thursday, August 29, 2024

Five titles to steam up your thriller reads list

Michelle Cruz is a seventh-generation native Texan that allegedly writes suspense. In a previous life, she served as a commissioned Air Force officer and a congressional staffer. These days, she resides in the Texas Hill Country where she can often be found lurking at Summer Moon or stuffing her face with BBQ or Tex-Mex. Even When You Lie is her debut novel. She particularly enjoys tormenting her critique partners with plot bunnies and first drafts she has no intention of revising. When her children annoy her, she retreats to her office and spite reads to escape the realities of life, yet somehow she still has a TBR pile.

At Shepherd she tagged five favorite books to steam up your thriller reads list, including:
What Still Burns by Elle Grawl

Growing up in rural East Texas, some of my earliest memories center around the fire station where my father was a volunteer firefighter.

Although this book is set in Northern California, it manages to render the small town and its politics familiar enough that I can almost smell the smoke. Lex’s reluctance to return to where everyone else in her immediate family died is tempered by the romance igniting between her and an old flame, but everyone has secrets here—and some can be deadly.
Read about the other entries on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue