Monday, August 19, 2024

Sixteen of the brattiest books

At B&N Reads Isabelle McConville tagged sixteen books for the summer of brat.
You might be wondering: what exactly makes someone brat? It isn’t just the signature lime green accessories or nonchalant attitude — being brat is about being unfiltered, bold and most importantly, unapologetically yourself.
The list of some of the "brattiest books — stories that are a little bit edgy and oftentimes messy," includes:
Sex and Rage by Eve Babitz

One of our culture’s original brats, Eve Babitz chronicles a young girl’s budding career aspirations while drifting through Los Angeles and New York City. Glamorous and gritty, Sex and Rage will put you in a dreamlike trance.
Read about the other entries on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue