The Fourth Assassin, out in February, follows Omar to visit his son in New York's "Little Palestine" in Brooklyn.
For the Guardian, Rees named his top ten novels set in the Arab world. One book on his list:
Read about the other novels on Rees's list.Let It Come Down by Paul Bowles
Writers look for resonance. You might say Bowles has us with his title alone, which resonates with doom even before he writes his first sentence. It's drawn from Macbeth. When the murderers come upon Banquo, he says that it looks like there'll be rain. The murderer lifts his knife and says: "Let it come down." Then he kills him. Such doom impends throughout this book, yet the main character seems barely to want to avoid it. He's become fatalistic, as have so many of the Arabs around him in the face of political and social injustice. Bowles wrote as he travelled through North Africa. Each day, he incorporated something into his writing that had actually happened during the previous day's journey. I often use that technique, adding details from yesterday's stroll through the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem or a refugee camp in Bethlehem.

The Page 69 Test: The Collaborator of Bethlehem.
My Book, The Movie: The Collaborator of Bethlehem.
The Page 69 Test: A Grave in Gaza.
The Page 69 Test: The Samaritan's Secret.
--Marshal Zeringue