Read about the other books on the list.My Life in France, by Julia Child
By now, any foodie worth her salt is more than a little bit familiar with the work of Julia Child. We’ve experienced her warmth and personality through movies, remembrances, and, of course, her recipes, but her memoir of diving into French culture, attending the Cordon Bleu, and her relationship with her husband, Paul, offers an unparalleled opportunity to really understand and enjoy Julia. She’s the type of person you’d love to sit down to coffee with, and this book is your best substitute.
My Life in France also appears on Tien Nguyen's list of five addictive books by cooks and Richard Lacayo and Lev Grossman's list of five memoirs worth reading.
Pamela Redmond Satran called My Life in France "unexpectedly transporting as the tale of a middle-aged woman’s discovery of herself, of her true calling, and of ambition."
--Marshal Zeringue