Marie Lu's latest book is
Batman: Nightwalker, part of the DC Icons series written by megastar young adult authors. At, she tagged five books that "capture the fight for and the fixing of broken worlds—whether that world is a dark

wonderland of roses and death, or a real place of gangs and injustice." One title on the list:
Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds
You don’t have to go into speculative fiction to find a story of fixing broken worlds. We live in one now, some of us far more than others. Jason Reynolds tells these stories with his searing prose. Long Way Down, written in verse, is the story of a boy who takes the elevator down his 8th-floor apartment complex to seek revenge for his brother’s shooting, only to be greeted at each floor by the ghost of someone related to the events that led up to his brother’s death. It’s a portrait of how breaking one person can break another can break another, of the real injustices faced by real people in real life, and how we go about fixing the wounds in our world.
Read about
the other entries on the list.
--Marshal Zeringue