Friday, August 31, 2018

Ten top recent witchy novels

Zoraida Córdova is the award-winning author of The Vicious Deep trilogy and the Brooklyn Brujas series. At the BN Teen blog she tagged ten top recent witchy novels, including:
Summer of Salt, by Katrina Leno

A lyrical novel about a young witch waiting for her magic to appear. Georgina Fernweh’s eighteenth birthday is looming, but her power has yet to show itself. Every woman in her family has a gift and knack for potions, which reveals itself before they come of age. But this summer on her small island is stranger even than usual—full of storms and unexpected love. There’s a darkness, too, that Georgina is forced to learn the truth about if she is to uncover who she truly is.
Learn about the other books on the list.

--Marshal Zeringue