At Electric Lit Slaughter tagged ten novels and stories about women living at the edge of their animal desires, including:
Shit Cassandra Saw by Gwen KirbyRead about the other entries on the list.
Each story in this phenomenal debut collection is a building block of a universe where women’s joys and burdens swirl at the molten core—a world where womenencounter abuse, cat-calling, slut-shaming, and a grab-bag of familiar misogynies, and instead of quietly tolerating them, employ (often fantastical) means to confront them. The titular story is a reimagining of Greek mythological figure Cassandra, who uses her gift of prophecy to glimpse a future where women finally get a leg-up on the slog of womanhood, a future with access to tampons, Twizzlers, yoga, and epidurals. Though Cassandra knows she is fated to be killed by the Trojans, she holds the satisfying knowledge that they’ll be reduced by history to a condom brand. This story, which opens the book, sets the tone for the unapologetic, fiery lens through which Kirby breaks the fourth wall on tropes about girls and women, redefining their stories with new vulnerability and power.
--Marshal Zeringue