Aria is her first novel.
At the Guardian, Hozar tagged ten notable books about Iran, including:
Journey From The Land of No by Roya HakakianRead about the other entries on the list.
This memoir from Iranian-Jewish writer and journalist Hakakian traces her growth as a budding revolutionary in 1978-1979 towards the realisation that the political reforms she and her friends had fought for had been hijacked and undermined by areligious totalitarianism not only targeted at her own Jewish community but at intellectual, egalitarian and democratising Iranians alike, regardless of faith. Hakakian particularly focuses on the violations of women’s rights as the first sign that any political system is poised to fall to autocracy.
Also see Mark Skinner's eleven top books on Iran and Kamin Mohammadi's top ten Iranian books.
--Marshal Zeringue